I ran across a meme the other day on Facebook. I don't know who created it but it said so much that I wanted to share it with others. The central truth found in this meme is something we all need to seriously think about in this age in which we live.
He did not compromise truth or soften it in any way, but proclaimed the life changing way to salvation. When God regenerates a heart, He replaces the stony, hard, sin-filled heart with a new one of flesh that desires to live for Him. In other words, once we come to faith in Christ, our lives should reflect a new worldview as revealed in God's Word.In confronting sin, one of the best examples is the woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8:3-11). The Scribes and Pharisees wanted to test what Jesus would say concerning this woman. According to the Law, she should have been stoned to death for her sin. However, Jesus turned to them and said, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her" (vs.7b). At this, they began to walk away for they knew they were also sinners. Jesus lifted her up, saved her life and gave her the "Good News": "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more" (vs 11b). This wasn't just a physical rescue. Our Savior did not leave her where she was at nor did He in any way excuse her sin. He lovingly told her to go and sin no more. An encounter with Christ brings about change in our lifestyle, our friends, our actions, our thoughts....or it should. However, if we try to compromise with the world and excuse sin (as laid out clearly in the Bible), we are not being faithful to the truth of God's Word and His call to make disciples of all nations.
A verse I never understood until now is found in Matthew 10:34: "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." He goes on to say that it will bring division even in a family when a person becomes a follower of Christ. John MacArthur in his study notes on this verse says: "Though the ultimate end of the Gospel is peace with God, the immediate result is frequently conflict. Conversion to Christ can result in strained family relationships, persecution, and even martyrdom" (MacArthur Study Bible ESV pg 1377). Why is that? Because we are aligning ourselves with the truth found in Jesus Christ and in His Word. Christian beliefs stand in opposition to this world system and call for a life far different than one which revolves around "me" and what I want. Christ came to give us a new life through His sacrifice on the cross where our sins have been imputed to Him. We are to be a new creation according to 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!" We are not to live only for ourselves any more but for Him to bring glory and honor to His name.
Dear ones, the world wants us to compromise our faith so we can fit in better with our culture. There are some who have followed this siren's call in order to keep the peace. However, God calls us to live in holiness according to His standards as found in the Word of God which is our foundation. Just as Jesus did not leave the woman to live in adultery by blessing her and sending her back to live in sin, so we must share the truth of Christ's love with others so their lives will be delivered from sin as well. It can be costly, painful or hard at the time, but the results of our faithfulness is to one day hear our Father say: "Well done, good and faithful servant...enter into the joy of your Lord" (Matthew 25:23). Selah!