In the grade school I attended on year, I met a Jewish girl who was so sweet. Yet, many of the other students would not even talk to her because of her religion. Each day, we began our lunch period with the Lord's Prayer (yes, at this time it was allowed in the schools). This girl would bow her head too even though she did not recite the prayer. She told me she had a Hebrew blessing for her food.
While our friendship was brief and only lasted that one winter season, she told me that I was one of the few people who had accepted her as she was and did not shun her. I felt good about that. I also thought it was sad that others missed getting to know her as a person.
Acceptance is like medicine for the soul. In Christ, we are fully loved and accepted by God the Father. Why then, can't we, in the Body of Christ, learn to love and accept one another? Often we act out of an attitude of pleasing ourselves over pleasing the Lord by helping a weaker brother/sister. We cannot show unity and bring glory to God when selfishness rules in our homes and churches.
Human nature without Christ is basically selfish and demanding. If Christians act in the same manner without putting aside the flesh, what difference will the world see? Why should they desire to follow Christ when we act the same way?
Instead of putting ourselves first in every situation, let us ask how we can help one another. The question "What would the Lord have us do?" is a good one for us to consider as we approach every situation. To love and accept others only when it is convenient to us is human but to love and accept when it is hard comes from a changed heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Selah!
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