With my assistance, the repairman remounted the clock on my wall but when it chimed the hour it sounded terrible. So, this man bent a piece in the clock so it would chime without such a tin sound. Unfortunately, the clock still does not work. We all know the old saying, "Let the buyer beware", but in this situation, I think I needed to do a better investigation of this man's credentials before giving him my old clock. He tinkered with it and it hasn't been the same since. When it comes to the things of God, we might be just as cautious before we begin to "try" to improve on what God has said.
In my quiet time this morning, I read a story about King Ahaz of Judah (2 Kings 16). This king, like many before him, did evil in the sight of the Lord. The Bible says, "he walked in the way of the kings of Israel" by introducing pagan, idolatrous practices into the worship of the Lord in Jerusalem.

None of the changes which this king made were commanded by God. The Lord had laid out all the specifics when the Temple was built by Solomon. It seems that Ahaz was beguiled by the altar he saw in Damascus more than by his relationship to the Living God. He was tinkering with God's things.
Over a period of time, God's chosen people became more and more enamored with the culture around them. They started to add pagan practices and idolatry into their worship, and much of this was a result of their leaders falling away from the truth of God's Word. There were a few kings who tried to reverse this trend, but they were far and few between. Indeed, God was patient with them for a time.
Ahaz focused his attention on the beauty of an altar rather than on the worship of God. We don't know what he was thinking, but we know that he moved things around and thought nothing of it. Maybe he wanted to make the House of God more esthetically pleasing or streamline it. Unfortunately, the priest did not object as he had become caught up in the spirit of the age. So what is the takeaway here?
First, we need to ask ourselves, "Do we think we have better ideas than God?" Ahaz tinkered with the Temple. He was the "clay" that indirectly told the Potter (God), that he did not like that old boring bronze altar compared to the pagan one he saw. So he moved, without God's approval, to change the house of worship. He also incorporated, in his own life, pagan worship along with the ordained worship prescribed by God, and allowed the people to do so likewise. This was no small thing. As we continue to read in the Old Testament, the consequences for disobedience would follow.
When we look at our own lives, what things have we put ahead of God? Ahaz was impressed with
an altar more than obeying the Lord. He altered worship to incorporate the elements of the culture around him rather than following what God laid out in His Word. We see this happening in churches today when people put more emphasis on the comfort or beauty of a building rather than on the worship of God. In addition, many denominations have caved to cultural pressures and accepted practices which God has clearly forbidden in His Word. We cannot have it both ways. Either we follow the Lord in all things according to His Word as our foundation, or we tinker with the Bible and worship and do things our way. At some point, we, too, will face the consequences if we let this happen.
I certainly regretted letting the clock repairman work on my treasured antique. His tinkering did more damage in the long run. The same will be true when we start to add to what God has already told us in His Word concerning our faith and practice. We do not want to tinker like Ahaz and be in love with an altar rather than the One whom we should focus our attention on. There is no substitute for fidelity to God's Word, worship and precepts. His Word is truth, and we cannot improve on that. Let us be found faithful to His glory! Selah!
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