There was a time when I did not like my name. As a child, it just didn't seem catchy enough to me and I often asked my mother why she gave me the name "Barbara". The only option for nicknames were "Babs", "Barb" or "Barbie". Plus, the name "Barbara" just sounded so formal. Thankfully, I grew out of that stage and pretty much went by "Barb" in high school and college and later on, used my full name. Isn't it funny how we tie certain things to a name? We either like a name or dislike it based at times on our experience with someone who carried it. When it comes to our Savior, though, He makes clear exactly who He is in the Gospel of John, and the Pharisees along with some of the Jews sought to kill Him because of what He declared.
In Exodus 3:14, God told Moses what to tell the people of Israel when they asked who had sent him to them: "I AM WHO I AM". "I AM", therefore became the sacred name of God known to His people. John's Gospel recounts seven statements made by our Lord where He uses this sacred name for God in describing who He is and why He has come.
His first statement comes in John 6:35 where He tells us "I Am the bread of life"....this is just after the feeding of the 5,000 which supports this claim. The miracle is meant to make us aware that Christ is our provision. We will never hunger nor thirst again when we belong to Him. This is not meant in the physical realm but in the completeness of our soul and our eternal destination. Likewise, when we take communion, we feed upon the representation of His body and blood given for us which further confirms this description of our Lord.
Jesus tells us in John 8:12; 9:5 "I AM the light of the world..." This pronouncement comes when He heals a blind man. Restoring sight to someone who has never been able to see is like opening a whole new world to him. As Christians, we know this to be true when we become believers. Before our belief in Christ, we are spiritually blind. We stumble through life walking in darkness. However, when the Holy Spirit regenerates us, we are able to see clearly who we are and who Christ is to us. He opens our eyes to understanding the truth. He is, indeed the "light on our path and the lamp to our feet."
John 10:7,9 tells us that Jesus proclaims Himself to be "the gate" and "the door" to the sheepfold. Of course, the Jewish people understood that there was only one gate where the sheep would enter to be safe, and the proclamation of Jesus meant that He is the only way to have a relationship with God. There is no other. Faith in Christ, repentance of our sins and trusting in His finished work on the cross is the only means of salvation. This leads to His next description.
In a passage from the same chapter (John 10:11, 14), Jesus says: "I AM the Good Shepherd".... indicating his love and protection for all who believe. Each time I read this, I am reminded of Psalm 23 which begins with the words: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." This is such a blessing to reflect on the fact that here Jesus is telling us of His constant love and care. All we have to do is remember how David (the shepherd boy and King) protected his herds from bears and lions. He defended them with all his might and so will our Lord.
Following this proclamation, Jesus tells us in John 11:25: "I AM the resurrection and the life..." This statement is made just before the Lord raises Lazarus from the grave. What power in His words when we consider this miracle of restored physical life and yet, we see Jesus, our Savior, being raised from the dead as well. He promises that if we believe in Him even though our body dies we shall live with Him eternally in heaven. This promise and proclamation should bring hope to all believers more than any other.
However, Jesus is not done revealing Himself to us because in John 14:6, He tells us: "I AM the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Once again, He makes clear to us and the world that He is the Creator of life, He has the truth and He is the only way to a relationship with the Father. There is no mistaking His statement. While other religions may claim they offer a way to heaven, Christ makes it clear that He is the only way.
Finally, in John 15:1, Jesus says: "I AM the true vine..." and we are the branches when we belong to Him. The Father prunes the dead branches away but when we are connected to Christ, we will produce good fruit. Jesus is our sustainer of life and we need to be attached to Him so we can thrive, grow and learn. What a blessing to know that He provides for us all we need for life and godliness when we are attached to Him!
Throughout the book of John, Jesus makes it clear that He is God incarnate. He is fully human and fully divine and our minds have a hard time comprehending this; yet, we know it is true. For this reason, the Pharisees and some of the Jews tried to find a way to kill Him. Even when they succeeded in putting Him to death, He arose as He said He would completing the work for our salvation. What this means to us is that we can trust in His name and wait with expectancy for His return. His new covenant made in His blood for us is a sealed promise by God that when we put our faith in Christ alone, we have the promise of everlasting life in His presence. Think on this and read these verses with new eyes that you may be encouraged today! Selah!
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