Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"I Can See Clearly Now"

     This past weekend, I did a job I do not enjoy, but the weather was so beautiful I knew I had to use the time.  I washed windows outside and in the house.  Now we can see clearly through sparkling clean windows.  It gives me a good feeling when I have worked hard and can actually view the results.  I also now realize just how dirty those windows were!  Isn't it funny how easy it is to let our vision become clouded much like those dirty windows?  That is why reading God's Word and letting it be the measure of all we say, think, and do should be a priority.
     An often quoted verse from Romans 12:2 reminds us that we need to keep our spiritual windows clean:  "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  When Paul wrote these words, he was trying to remind the Roman believers that it is easy to fall into conformity with the world's style, fashion, music and thought process.  After all, we live in this world 24/7.  We are bombarded by media through our smart phones, computers, electronic tablets and T.V.'s.  All day
A view from Neuschawnstein Castle near Munich, Germany
long we hear the world view as presented by the Prince of this world - satan.  However, we know his end will come, and so will his lies, perversions and injustice.  Therefore shouldn't we bathe our minds in the Word of God so that we more consistently hold to a Christian worldview?
     In my study Bible, there is a footnote with this verse that explains this verse in even more depth.
"...this world is better translated 'age', which refers to the system of beliefs, values - or the spirit of the age - at any time current in the world.  The sum of contemporary thinking and values forms the moral atmosphere of our world and is always dominated by Satan."  We all know that daily we see changes in the values that are acceptable in the world culture.  At one time, life was considered precious and now we see babies being aborted at a record rate and assisted suicide being promoted.  As we float along the river of life, even Christians can get caught up in the rapids of worldly thinking.  The only sure foundation for our faith and life is the Word of God.  His truth is everlasting and does not change even as God Himself does not change.
     When my husband and I were privileged to watch and study Focus on the Family's "The Truth Project", our eyes were opened to all the subtle lies being sold in our world.  It is amazing how dim the windows of our spirit had become.  This is the reason that we began to share it in our church, Sunday School and in our home group.  If we allow ourselves to be indoctrinated by the ideas of this present age, we will be unable to present a defense for the faith we hold dear.  We must understand the Word of God and what He says about life, our relationship to Him, our need for a Savior, and what He sets as the moral standard for our conduct.  After all, He made us and knows us better than we know ourselves.
     As we continue to look at the verse in Romans, we see the word "transformed" which has its origin in the Greek, and in English, it means "metamorphosis" or a change in outward appearance.  The same word is used in Matthew (Matthew 17:2) to describe the Transfiguration.  Jesus was changed outwardly, and we, as believers, are to show outwardly what has happened in our life on a daily basis.  This means that we are to be different than the world.  How do we accomplish this?  We do so by the power of the Holy Spirit as we are renewed in our minds.  Only through consistent study of God's Word can we live a life that is good, acceptable and perfect.  This is the kind of holy living which God desires.
     Bible study, prayer and regular fellowship with other believers is crucial to our spiritual health.  These are the things which keep the windows of our heart clean and clear as we travel through this life.  Sitting under the solid preaching of God's Word will also keep our feet grounded.  God has provided so many opportunities for us to grow that we are without excuse.  If you have not ever seen "The Truth Project", I would encourage you to go through this series.  It helps us to understand what it means to have a Christian worldview.  Lets all keep the windows of our spirit clean and clear so we can see what is the "good and acceptable and perfect" will of God.  Selah!

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