Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Sound of Silence

     Somewhere in my busy day with telephones ringing and people talking, I find myself thinking of the many times when I would sit in the pasture behind our barn on a large root-bench of a huge oak tree.  The only sound was the babbling of the Little Turkeyfoot Creek that ran through our property and the soft breeze blowing through the trees.  Even as a child, I cherished these times where I could sit and contemplate the beauty around me in silence.  No words.  Just the quiet rhythm of life and a time of refreshing quiet where I could actually hear myself think.  This is something very rare in our noisy world today.  Yet, I believe that God wants us to be able to have these moments where we cease talking and simply listen to Him.
     Psalm 46 talks about God being our refuge and our strength (vs 1) and ends with this powerful injunction from the mouth of God in verse ten:  "Be still and know that I am God...."  Throughout the short Psalm, the sovereignty of God is seen over all the affairs of men.  He holds the power of the Universe and we can find shelter under His wings.  There is nothing more to say or do.
      How wonderful it is to steal away if only for a few moments each day to sit silently in God's presence looking into His Word and allowing this to speak to our hearts.  Taking time to do this on a regular basis is far more refreshing than spending hours on our Facebook page or watching some empty TV drama.  Jesus made certain to take time away from the crowds to sit and commune with His Father.  In this way, He set an example for us to follow.
     Between our work world and the election campaigns, most of us are overwhelmed by the cacophony of voices all vying for our attention.  Even reading a newspaper can disturb our souls.  With so many different ideas pulling at us from every angle, it is easy to despair.  I often feel that the media enjoys stirring up controversy in order to sell their paper, but we must remember that our peace comes from God alone.  Why?  Because He clearly establishes His rule and reign over us we can trust and rest in:  "Be still and know that I am God."
     An all powerful, all knowing, everywhere present Creator is our refuge in this noisy, busy world in which we live.  He alone has the answers we seek, and He calms us with His tender touch.  The best picture of this is seen in Psalm 23 which tells us that God leads us beside the "still" waters and restores our soul in the green pastures.  Reminds me of our pasture area.
     Remember to take time out of every busy, noisy day and get alone with God.  Simply rest in His presence and enjoy the beauty of His holiness.  Confusion leaves our thoughts when we let God sort out all the details.  Reading the paper informs us but reading His Word transforms us into the likeness of His dear Son.  Selah!

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