Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Change of Focus

     Our lives are full of activity whether we are working a job or fully retired.  There is never a loss for projects large and small around our homes; so one thing which I have had the privilege to learn lately is that we can change our schedule to include looking at God's amazing creation.  This did not happen by chance.  It was divine providence.
     When I go for walks in the morning, I like to use my phone app "Map My Walk".  I have it on my watch too so I synchronize them both before I leave.  In the past, this app was able to post directly to Facebook.  However, circumstances changed and the app could no longer post directly.  The creators of this app suggested that we could post a picture with our walking stats if we wanted to and explained how this would work.  Therefore, on each walk, I now look for something beautiful or an animal I can photograph that I can share on Facebook along with my stats.  It helps me to keep accountability for my daily routine.  Plus it gives others a look at some of the beauty that surrounds us here.
     One of the things I have noticed is that my focus has changed as I exercise.  I am not just going for a walk.  I am challenged to observe the things around me more intensely as I search for a beautiful picture I can take.  My exercise routine has taken on a new focus, and I should not be surprised.  After all, the Apostle Paul told us where our focus in life should be.
     In his letter to the Corinthians (2 Corthinians 5:7), the Apostle Paul writes these words:  "...for we walk by faith, not by sight."  We are to walk each day fearing God, trusting in Him and not allowing our circumstances of living to overwhelm us.  We are to see with the eye of our soul rather than our physical eye that tells us a different story.  Our focus in this life is to be on God despite the ups and downs of living in a fallen world.  When we start our day with prayer and reading God's Word, our focus has shifted.  We are seeing life through the Lord's eyes.  What a difference this can make in our day!
     Jesus told us not to worry or be anxious over anything in His "Sermon on the Mount".  Joy-less living comes from stewing over things we cannot change or control.  Unfortunately, we all have this tendency to get upset unless we have learned to see daily events through the eyes of our Savior.  This is not necessarily easy to do, but it is worth the peace that comes when we are faithful.  This is why I likened it to my walks in the morning.
     I really hated my daily exercise because it was hot, humid and generally miserable outside.  I went through the motions but never enjoyed it.  Since I began to look for something beautiful to photograph and share, my attitude has changed.  It has become a fun exploration each day and not just an exercise routine.  The same is true in our spiritual life.  Each day when we seek the Lord, we are on a mission to see others through His eyes.  Rather than the circumstances of the day causing us annoyance, we can begin the day looking for the beauty of His holiness finding new ways to glorify Him.  It will make a great difference in our day!  May we look to the Lord for joy each day; for when we do, we will not be disappointed.  Selah!

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