Thursday, April 18, 2024


     Several weeks ago, there was a tragic car accident that took the life of a precious lady in our community.  I am certain she had a busy day planned as she set off in her vehicle when the unexpected happened. Our whole community was rocked with the news and grieved with the family at such a loss. Of course, no one knows the day when they will be called from this life, so when we are confronted by such tragedy, we need to stop and take stock of our lives.   

      In Psalm 90, Moses, the author, considers the brevity and sorrow in life in this prayer before the Lord. He asks God that people would be enabled to live a significant life while they are here.  In verse 10, he writes:  “The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.” Then he goes on in verse 12 to tell us what we must do:  “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” To put it another way, Moses is asking God to help us learn how to use the time we are given here on earth so that we can live to glorify God and bless others.

     Over the years, many folks I have talked to expressed the idea that they wasted a lot of time and energy not doing anything fruitful in their life.  They wish they had a “do-over”, but that is not something any of us get to have.  Our lives here on earth are short in comparison to eternity.  When our bodies die here, our soul goes on into eternity and an important question we all must answer is “Where will I spend eternity?” 


 Jesus spoke of two destinations: heaven and hell.  Hell was created for Satan and the fallen angels, but men who have walked away from God in rebellion and never repented of their sins or asked forgiveness will join them in this place of torment…not for a day or a month but forever.  In fact, our Lord spoke more about Hell than anyone in the Bible.  He called it  “a place of outer darkness” where “there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matt. 8:12); it is called a fiery furnace (Matt.13: 41-42); and the “eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41).  Finally, Jesus refers to it as “eternal punishment” (Matt. 25:46).  What a contrast between spending an “eternal life” with never-ending pleasure in God’s presence to “eternal punishment” which will be an experience of unending misery and separation from God (John 3:36; 5:24).  Yet there is good news while we still have time here on earth.

     God sent His only Son born of a virgin to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins…something we can not do for ourselves.  Jesus was fully God and fully man in the flesh who obeyed perfectly all that the Law of God demanded. Then, He gave His life on the cross that His life’s blood would atone for our sins once and for all. Even more, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, was seen by His disciples and at least 500 people who witnessed Him and even touched Him in the flesh.  Therefore, He broke the yoke of sin and death for all who believe in Him.   John 3:36 says:  “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”  We are called by God’s Spirit to confess our sins and trust in the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross for us.   When we take that action, we become children of God who will inherit eternal life.  

     Knowing the dear lady who died in the accident, I know she is in the presence of the Lord living there in His peace and glory where there are no more tears, death or separation from loved ones.  We grieve her loss here but she is enjoying God’s great rest because she trusted in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.  Perhaps, you have already made this commitment to Christ.  If so, you can rest in His assurance of your destination. If you have never made this commitment of your life to Christ and received His forgiveness of your sins, then make today your day.  We are not promised tomorrow.  Each day is a gift from God and how we live that day matters for all eternity.  Meditate on these things and look beyond the day to day because our time here is short compared to eternity ahead.  May the Lord bless you as you think on these things.  Selah

P.S.  If you have never read the Bible or want to begin, please start with the Book of John in the New Testament to see who Jesus Christ is and what He said of Himself.  

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