Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Remember the Good Things

     "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade" is an old saying that is really easier said than done isn't it?  So far this year, there have been many things which could get a person down.  There has been an ongoing Pandemic, civil unrest in our country as well as other nations, and a number of people who desperately need a job.  What started out with "Happy New Year" has become "Will this ever end" as we approach the end of July.  Nevertheless, the Bible tells us that there is nothing new under the Sun.  Indeed, Solomon was right to say this.
     Listening to an episode of "Wretched Radio" the other day, Todd Friel reminded listeners that things were no easier in Jesus' day than they are today.  The Jews lived under the tyrannical rule of the Romans.  They had to pay high taxes, and they were subject to the whims of a pagan government.  Life was not easy then just as it is not easy now.  Why?  We live in a fallen world, but we do not have to live as those who have no hope.
     In Psalm 143:5-6, 11, we see King David praying to the Lord for deliverance from a trial, but he also wanted guidance that he could walk according to God's will for him.  The verses read:  "I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I muse on the work of Your hands.  I spread out my hands to You; My soul longs for You like a thirsty land...Revive me, O Lord, for Your name's sake! For Your righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble."  As we look at these verses, we can see that David isn't asking for a quick fix to his situation.  Rather, he wants guidance to know how he should proceed once God helps him.  This is wisdom.  Verse 8 says:  "Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You."  This verse implies trust in God.
     David took time to remember all the good things which God had done for him and for the many past deliverances God had provided.  Throughout David's lifetime, he found himself on the run from Saul as well as his own son Absalom.  In both cases, God had delivered him from trouble.  Reminding himself of this fact encouraged him to approach the Lord again for help in this current trial.  This is a pattern we must follow when life hands us those lovely lemons.  Recalling how God has helped us, blessed us, delivered us and loved us will give us the energy we need to crawl out of the pit of self pity.  On those days when I have a challenge before me, I like to think about all the many good things which God has done in my life.
Once this becomes a habit, it is easy to turn away the clouds of despondency that want to hover over us.
     Secondly, David trusted in God.  The Lord is immutable.  He cannot be anything other than what He is, and He is holy.  He is good.  His character is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Therefore, the Lord is stable and we can trust in Him.  If He delivered us once, He can do it again.  Remembering and thinking on God's mighty deeds on behalf of His people will grow your faith.  That is why reading the Bible on a regular basis is so important to the Christian.  In the pages, we see how God is faithful to those whom He loves.  When we see how kind God is to His people in the past, our hope is fueled in our heart that He will take care of us as well.    This is one reason God instructed His people to teach their children about His great acts (Deut. 6:6-7).
     During these challenging times in which we live, we need to remember that David was a man of prayer.  He brought his trials and heartaches before the Lord. David reminded God of all the good things He had done for Him and in so doing, he is also reminding himself.  If God did it once, He can do it again.  This is our hope.  One of the things that has always helped me in my walk with the Lord is to list the many good things which God has done for me.  He is to be praised for His kindness and mercy! As we lift our voice in praise to God, He is glorified and we are lifted up as well.  Let us follow the pattern of David and spend time remembering the good things and how God will deliver His people as He has in the past.  Selah!

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