Monday, June 17, 2013

Are You a Light in the World?

     We have just returned from a wonderful vacation with our family where we enjoyed seven days of sunshine and the rich joy of fellowship.  It is amazing what rest and sunshine can do for the soul!
     During that time as I was reading the Bible, I looked at Genesis 1:1-18 where the Lord God was creating all things.  The verses that stuck out the most were verses 3-4:  "Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light.  And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness."  This act of creation by God adds an entirely new dimension to the world He has made.  With light, we are able to see more clearly objects around us.
     My husband is an eye doctor and sees many patients who have varying degrees of eyesight and vision.  There is nothing more sad than someone who is beginning to lose their sight due to glaucoma or some other eye disease.  At times, some people lose their vision as a result of poor care refusing to use medication which treats glaucoma for example.  This is a choice on their part with serious consequences.
     Our spiritual lives are very much like that in many ways.  If we neglect to care for our spiritual health by reading the Word and finding time to be with our Lord each day, we risk spiritual blindness.  The "light" of God's Word is lost to us and we stumble in the darkness when we could walk in His light.
     God said that "Light" was good....He created it to dispel the darkness over the earth He has
made.  Jesus went further and told us to be "the light of the world" and not to hide our light under a bushel.  How can we, then, neglect the study of the Word, the fellowship of other believers and time alone with God just talking with Him?  We certainly cannot be a light in this dark world if we do that.  Therefore, let us consider that God made us "light bearers" to His glory and let us resolve to reflect to the world the light of Jesus Christ.  We must take time to fill our lamps with the oil of His presence daily in Bible study and prayer that we may be a lamp of radiance in this dark, lost world!  Selah!

I welcome your thoughts.  Feel free to leave them and may God bless you!

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